jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Miracle Cures to Lose Weight

There are plenty of miracle cures to lose weight, and sometimes it is a waste of time. I think that losing weight is a waste of time, and sometimes diets make you eat badly. Some diets can cause depression or even in some cases they can lead you to a coma. I recomend people to take it seriusly, to go to a doctor for advice, and to eat five times a day, for example, some fruit, chicken, fish and vegetables. It is no advisable to eat hamburguers, or pizzas, or junk food, as you will never loose any kilos.
To be fit, we should do some jogging at list for an hour every day, because if you play some sport you will feel healthier, and you will lose some kilos more rapidly.
In conclusion, you should go to a doctor and ask for a healthy diet and play some sport.

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