viernes, 18 de junio de 2010


The goal of diet is to learn a new way of eating complete and with all the necessary nutrients, not only to reduce weight but to have a healthy life and maintain a healthy weight.
In order to address any type of diet in an efficient manner, the important thing is to respect the four meals, although the idea is to make five meals a day.
One of the most important meal is breakfast, and the food that must be included:

-General-Dairy(milk, yogurt, cheese, combined with cereals which provide proteins of high biological value, calcium, iron and zinc.
-Flaked cereals, crackers on bread are a good vehicle for energy and provide carbohydrates to th diet and help to the presence of glucose.
-Fruit and juices: To provide water-soloble vitamins needed by the body (these do not accumulate in the body) and must be incorporated daily. These also help the work of the intestine and digestive organs

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