domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

Hip-Hop? O.S.T.R.

Many people think hip-hop is listened only just by junkies gangsters, and for many people hip-hop is rubbishe.
In my country this type of music is unfortunatly not very well considered, but there is one person who proves to everyone that hip-hop is not dead. This person is Adam Ostrowski better known as O.S.T.R. He was born on 15th May 1980 is one of best rappers in Poland, famous especially for his free style rap skills.
Having graduated from music school and playing the violin, O.S.T.R. is one of the few Polish rappers who has got a basic musical education.
I think he's a good example that hip-hop isn't music only for "bad boys", because this rapper doesn't sing only about raves and joints but about current social problems and political matters too. His songs are about reality!
Certainly in your country you know a singer who fights against political lies, corruption, and social problems, using beats and voice. Listen to him, listen to your heart.
If you are really interested in O.S.T.R listen to his songs like:

Or visite website

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