jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009

The Three Little Pigs

Once upon at time, there were three little pigs that lived in the country side, who decided to build three houses, one for each one.
The first pig built his house with straw, the secondpig built his house with wood and finally, the thirth pig built his house with bricks and concrete. As the first pig finished his house faster, and the wolf went first to him, because he was hungry. The wolf started to blow and the house broke and the pig ran to the second little pig's house.
Then, the wolf run to this house and started to blow and the house broke too. The two pigs ran to the thirth little pig's house. When the wolf started to blow, the house didn't break and he thought to go into the house through the chimney. When he was getting down, the three pigs switched on the fire and the wolf burnt.

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